Monitoring and Evaluation of the Tackling Female Genital Mutilation Special Initiative Leading monitoring and evaluation planning, to measure change from the beginning to the end of the project. Programme
Voucher programme for safe motherhood and family planning in Yemen Increasing the use of quality maternal and reproductive health services through a voucher system Programme
Malawi Health Sector Programme – Technical Assistance Strengthening the delivery of health services by enhancing health planning, coordination, financial management and accountability. Programme
Transition and recovery post earthquakes, Nepal After the 2015 earthquakes, we supported the Nepal Govt in assessing the damage to the health sector and the restoration of essential health services. Programme
Strengthening health, nutrition, water and sanitation services, Bihar Bihar is the third largest state in India with a population of more than 100 million. Key health indicators are worse than the national average with high maternal and child mortality, and low… Programme
Partnerships for Transforming Health Systems (PATHS) 2 The programme aimed to improve the planning, financing and delivery of sustainable and replicable primary health care services in Nigeria. Programme
Improving health, nutrition, water and sanitation services, Odisha Working with the Government of Odisha to strengthen health, nutrition and WASH services, particularly for those living in rural areas Programme