Brief 23 August 2021 Using quality of institutional care (QuIC) assessments to strengthen emergency obstetric and newborn care services In Kenya, around 5,000 maternal deaths, nearly 29,000 newborn deaths and over 31,000 stillbirths occur each year because of the poor quality of health care. This brief demonstrates…
Brief 23 August 2021 Influencing public sector investment in family planning through budget monitoring and tracking Lessons from six low- and middle-income countries
Brief 23 August 2021 Why invest in family planning in Tanzania? Family Planning contributes to economic growth when prioritised alongside health, education, employment and governance.
Brief 23 August 2021 Bangladesh’s national COVID-19 response Why investing in family planning and sexual reproductive health services is critical
Brief 22 August 2021 Increasing domestic financing for family planning commodities in Kenya Tracking the progress made as a result of matched funding commitments
Brief 22 August 2021 DESIP County Family Planning Fact Sheets Family planning fact sheets presenting the latest evidence on reproductive health indicators, FP uptake and financing gaps in Kenyan counties.
Brief 22 August 2021 DESIP County Policy Briefs A series of policy briefs that make the case for investing in family planning at county level in Kenya
Tool 21 August 2021 Budget Monitoring and Tracking Tool Our Budget Monitoring and Tracking Tool is used to generate evidence that informs advocacy and decision-making around government budget cycles.