Brief 21 September 2021 Lafiya Advocacy Resources As part of the Lafiya programme, Options played a key role in strengthening civil society advocacy for increased public investment in health at the federal level and across the five states in Nigeria…
Brief 23 August 2021 Influencing public sector investment in family planning through budget monitoring and tracking Lessons from six low- and middle-income countries
Brief 23 August 2021 Why invest in family planning in Tanzania? Family Planning contributes to economic growth when prioritised alongside health, education, employment and governance.
Brief 22 August 2021 Increasing domestic financing for family planning commodities in Kenya Tracking the progress made as a result of matched funding commitments
Brief 22 August 2021 DESIP County Family Planning Fact Sheets Family planning fact sheets presenting the latest evidence on reproductive health indicators, FP uptake and financing gaps in Kenyan counties.
Brief 22 August 2021 DESIP County Policy Briefs A series of policy briefs that make the case for investing in family planning at county level in Kenya
Tool 21 August 2021 Budget Monitoring and Tracking Tool Our Budget Monitoring and Tracking Tool is used to generate evidence that informs advocacy and decision-making around government budget cycles.
Tool 19 May 2021 E4A-MamaYe Health Budget Advocacy Toolkit The health budget advocacy toolbox summarises 8 actions that advocates can take to further their health budget advocacy goals.