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Options' response to COVID-19

In this statement, Options' Managing Director Jo Elms shares details on Options’ response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

23 March 2020

As Coronavirus (COVID-19) spreads around the world, Options’ priority is continuing to work with governments and health service providers to ensure women and girls can access the health services they need, while protecting the health and safety of our teams and partners.

We are monitoring daily the situation in each country where we work and the effects on how our programmes can be delivered. In some countries our teams are working to support their government counterparts respond to the crisis. We have mobilised business continuity plans which are enabling our work to continue in spite of temporary office closures and the suspension of all non-essential travel. These plans will also position us to respond rapidly as needed in the countries where we work.

We are in close communication with our clients and partners to ensure all changes to our ways of working are well-coordinated and appropriate for the current circumstances.  If you are a client or partner of Options, or are interested to seek our help in responding to this unprecedented global health challenge, please contact us on

We value the close working relations we have with all of our partners, teams and our clients. We will seek to maintain good communication to ensure we can work to support each other through these challenging times and hope that together we can contribute to ensure the continued provision of vital health services around the world.

Best wishes,
Jo Elms (Managing Director)

Focus areas
Health Security

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