Options news 9 August 2018 Health worker mentorship: building skills to save lives Find out how we developed a mentorship programme in Bungoma County to address acute staff shortages in two major health facilities.
Options news 14 June 2018 How we are improving the availability of blood supplies in Kenya Find out how we've been working to tackle shortages by improving quality and access to blood transfusion services.
Impact story 25 April 2018 Supporting rehabilitation and psychological wellbeing after Nepal's earthquake This is how Nepal’s first dedicated Spinal Injury Rehabilitation Centre, supported by Options, transformed lives after the Nepal earthquakes.
Case study 18 January 2018 From democratic vacuum to democratic dividend in district councils MHSP-TA Learning Series: District councilors promote accountability in the management of health sector resources.
Options news 10 January 2018 Setting up Village Health Committees in Nigeria help to improve quality of care Here is how we are working to improve maternal neonatal and health outcomes in Northern Nigeria by setting up Village Health Committees.
Options news 27 January 2017 Options donates supplies and equipment to improve maternal and newborn care in Kenya Our Maternal and Newborn Improvement project hosted an event where it donated essential medical supplies and equipment to the Bungoma, Kenya.
Presentation 29 November 2016 Social Audit Makes a Difference in Nepal Social audit can improve the delivery of health services.
Presentation 29 November 2016 Equity matters in Odisha state, India Odisha State in Eastern India is strengthening the health and nutrition systems to achieve greater equity.