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Evidence Informed Health Planning and Budgeting Programme

Making reproductive, maternal, newborn, child and adolescent health services a priority through increased use of data in decision-making.


Evidence Informed Health Planning and Budgeting (EIHPB) for Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) was a technical assistance programme implemented in 15 counties in Kenya. With financial support from World Bank-executed Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF), the investment aimed to support progress towards universal health coverage and enhance effectiveness in achieving sustainable RMNCAH results by strengthening health systems.

The objective of the programme was to increase the probability of resource allocation matching health sector needs, with a focus on RMNCAH, based on an integration of credible planning, budgeting, monitoring and reporting (PBMR) processes with a strong monitoring and evaluation (M&E) system that supports informed decision making.

Our approach

Through a training, mentorship and coaching approach, we provided effective, timely and high-quality technical assistance (TA) focusing on strengthening the M&E systems at county, sub-county and facility levels. This included:

  • Improving functionality of Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response (MPDSR) committees.
  • Increasing the capacity for data review and reporting at the county level.
  • Improving the capacity to develop (and use) information products for evidence-informed planning and budgeting.
  • Delivered jointly with an implementing partner, ThinkWell, our tailored TA was targeted at key points in the county planning and budgeting cycle where data could be presented, discussed, and used to ensure increased prioritization of RMNCAH services. The support covered 15 high priority counties: Bungoma, Garissa, Lamu, Mandera, Marsabit, Samburu, Tana River, Wajir, West Pokot, Turkana, Homa Bay, Isiolo, Kitui, Kisii and Machakos.
Programme achievements

EIHPB built on a previous phase of the MDTF where Options’ TA focused on increasing the capacity of key actors in the departments of health in 15 counties, to better use RMNCAH data for decision-making. Some of the programme achievements included:

  • Development of learning guides and trainer manuals to support the acquisition of knowledge and skills through sustainable approaches of demand-driven coaching, on-the-job mentorship and self-directed learning. The guides and manuals were aligned with government statutes such as the Public Finance Management Act, policy guidelines including on Medium Term Expenditure Framework, annual planning and budgeting cycle, and MPDSR. By working with and through the national Ministry of Health and Council of Governors, we aimed to ensure that the guides, manuals and accompanying tools become readily available and were part of routine practice.
  • In the 15 counties, we revitalized various decision-making forums including the county health stakeholder’s forum, the health sector working group and MPDSR Committees. Through these forums, the programme institutionalised data demand and information use in decision-making, promoting greater transparency and accountability.
  • We saw a growing demand for data and information use amongst county decision-makers as demonstrated by the production and use of RMNCAH information products, including MPDSR Summary Sheets and RMNCAH Scorecards. In several counties, the information products were used in annual performance review and work planning and budgeting. In some counties, the information was also used in evidence-based advocacy targeting decision makers in the executive and legislative offices of the county governments.
Focus areas
Maternal and Newborn Health
Health Financing Monitoring, Evaluation, Research and Learning
East Africa