Programme Study to understand the beliefs and experiences of women affected by FGM We conducted a research study to understand the perceptions, beliefs and experiences of women with FGM.
Programme Feasibility study for introduction of a micro health insurance scheme in villages We conducted a study to assess best practices of micro-health insurance schemes and critical elements of setting up and sustaining such a scheme.
Programme Tackling HIV/AIDS in the UK Overseas Territories, Caribbean and the South Atlantic Supporting the National AIDS Programmes to strengthen their capacity to support interventions and responses to take action against HIV/AIDS.
Programme Technical Assistance Management Agency, Pakistan Providing technical and management capacity to improve policy, planning and management in the health sector
Programme Social marketing for HIV/AIDS prevention and reproductive health We managed a regional social marketing project in the Caribbean to improve sexual and reproductive health and to reduce STI and HIV infection rates.
Programme Informing design of a reproductive and maternal health programme Options conducted PEER research among ethnic groups in southern Laos.
Programme Technical assistance to the reproductive health programme, Turkey Strengthening CSOs to implement advocacy and behaviour change activities to improve neonatal health, family planning, safe abortion, STIs and HIV/AIDS
Programme Contraceptive landscape assessment and development of a market sizing model Assessment of the contraceptive landscape and development of a model to estimate market size.