29 Facilities able to provide EmONC services in 6 sub-counties in Bungoma, in 2018, up from 1 in 2014
82% Deliveries assisted by skilled birth attendants in 6 sub-counties in Bungoma increased from 41% in 2014 to 82% in 2018
Maternal and Newborn Improvement Project Learning Series Series of Learning Briefs produced by the MANI project to document learning and success.
County Innovation Challenge Fund Evidence Briefs Evidence briefs produced by the County Innovation Challenge Fund documenting learning and results from grantees' innovations.
Design of awareness raising communications and programmes for sex-workers Options worked with PSI in Rwanda to gain a more in-depth understanding of rural sex workers and rural youth.
Technical assistance to the reproductive health programme, Turkey Strengthening CSOs to implement advocacy and behaviour change activities to improve neonatal health, family planning, safe abortion, STIs and HIV/AIDS
Contraceptive landscape assessment and development of a market sizing model Assessment of the contraceptive landscape and development of a model to estimate market size.
Informing design of a reproductive and maternal health programme Options conducted PEER research among ethnic groups in southern Laos.